Whoa it’s Saturday again already

And it’s fuck all hot out there – 12:30 with a heat index of 96 already. I kinda sorta beat the heat at the farmers market, but I was still sweaty & gross by the time I got home. But we have salad stuff!

The house has been way too empty without any furry friends about – my brother pointed out that the last time I was living somewhere with no pets, I was in college. And that was a very, very long time ago. Our friends sent flowers, which was so sweet – and their dog was included on the card, too. And another friend made a donation to one of our local animal welfare groups. It’s been so nice to know so many people really do understand.

I don’t know where the saying came from but “Grief is love with nowhere to go” is so damn spot on.

So, it’s not going to be long before I rechannel that grief into smothering love for another cat. Talked to my brother about it, and the search will start when we get back from the beach. Even though I’m going to Baltimore for a few days at the end of July, that would give him some bonding time if we find a new friend right away.

There will never be another Lily, but every cat is one in a million, and it sucks too much to not have a cat (or cats) here.

My biggest concern is that whoever the new cat is, they will look at us and think “Damn, these are some weirdo losers.” 😹

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