Gooood morning!!

Er, um, afternoon at this point. A week and half a weekend sure whipped by – I was sure I’d written something between last Saturday and now, but time flies and all that.

Had a blissfully calm week at work this week, no repeats of the “let’s delay moving files until 5:30PM” nonsense or anything like that. Topped off with margs and tacos Friday afternoon with a buddy who also had a half day Friday and the weather held and that was awesome.

Plus we have short week this week with Juneteenth hitting on Wednesday, fingers crossed for another nice, calm week without the CTO making some announcement that puts everyone completely on edge. Realizing now that we have the second half of our all hands on Tuesday, that may be a pipe dream. Dude has that amazing C level inability to read a room and just stress everyone out.

But eh, it is what it is, and I just ignore him as much as I can, LOL.

The LilyMonster had another good week, taking her meds, eating lots, and generally being awesome. I know things could change at any time, but I’m honestly amazed that she is still with us and doing so well. However, right now it also looks like I’ll not be heading to the beach – 2x a day meds, plus monitoring that she actually takes the meds & is doing OK in general – not something I can put on a petsitter.

But honestly – it’s OK and pretty much a no-brainer if she is still here. The beach will be there later, and I’ll still be taking the time off work for my sanity, and there is all kinds of stuff I can do around town. It’s the very least I can do for a kitty that has given me near 15 years of love.

Lily, a black and orange tortoiseshell cat, curled up napping on a blue blanket on the sofa
Snoozy gal

I will still be going to Baltimore for a couple days at the end of July for baseball – at my brother’s insistence. Yes, he is absolutely capable of taking care of her. (I do have to remind myself of that.) Also getting some transdermal gabapentin, which should be easier to administer for him. So, even if I can’t get to the beach, I can get some crabcakes, hotel time, and not have to wait a year before actually getting out of town for a bit. And I’ve got some time off scheduled in the fall – could pop down to the beach then, too, if I want to.

I’m just glad I still have her here to love. Today should be a reset day around the house, but I think it will more likely just be laundry and marveling at my kitty on borrowed time, who has woken up from her nap and is happily chowing down on lunch.

The chores can wait.

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