Happy Saturdaaaaaaaaaay!!

It is a glorious sunny day out there and I was at the farmers market getting my weekly dopamine hit, and I had my hair down, and damn, the sun makes that purple POP. Got multiple lovely comments and I was very, OMG THANK YOU, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Like this is pretty much my energy when it comes to these bits of purple:

Gif of the wee one from Despicable Me with a unicorn doll declaring IT'S SO FLUFFY

Seriously, if you’ve been waiting for a sign to toss some funky colors in your hair – this is it.

The LilyMonster is doing pretty great considering everything – taking her meds like a champ and eating and snoozing and generally very content. I think we’re managing this pretty well.

Lily, a black and orange tortoiseshell cat, curled up napping on a tie dye towel on a chair.

Work was pretty chill this week, but Thursday reinforced the fact that none of us get enough credit for not drinking on the job.

Came in to a whacked out email chain – with the bonus of subject line having nothing to do with the content – but it was “that bug you got yesterday (that couldn’t be tested just yet because it had to go through the build) it needs to be packaged and tested for on-demand distribution for an internal client, today.”

Not ideal, but OK, cause my director said to just skip preliminary testing, get it packaged, test in on-demand environment. Cool. Can’t do prelim tests anyway cause that build has failed repeatedly all week. Still, no problem – just need my dev to merge one file, have dba’s confirm that a patch truly got applied, package the files, move them, test. Like, this could be done by mid-afternoon!

Dev gets file merged by 7:30AM, cause she’s fucking awesome. Then it takes 3 hours to get an answer about the patch.

OK, let’s move those files!

No, someone decided to go ahead with the build for the prelim environment and they don’t want to move the files until that is done – and the build failed AGAIN, and had to be run yet again. (This is where I may have copied & pasted exactly what the director asked us to do into the email chain.) Pointless delay, but whatever.

Great, move those freakin’ files! No, can you do a quick test in prelim? FML, fine – in a system where the performance has degraded so badly that a 10 minute test took AN HOUR. (I have put in a ticket about this…)

LET’S MOVE THE FILES! Hour and a half to get the files moved, because file move magician is in the midst of a family emergency and only online intermittently. (I was livid that he had to work – someone else should know how to do that.)

By the time I can start testing, it’s 5:30PM. 3 hours of full-tilt testing, it’s solid. More testing to be done, but just repeats of the same stuff in different environments, but certainly enough to say “Yes, pass the files on.”

The files had been given to the internal client at 1PM anyway.

Chidi from The Good Place looking rather distressed and saying "This Broke Me"

Now, these things happen, I wasn’t happy about it, but I didn’t cuss anyone out or get a bottle of wine and a straw, and at least this nonsense isn’t happening as frequently as it used to. But damn, that shit sends me into fucking high alert mode, and my Fitbit was like, “Damn girl, you’re getting a hella workout today!”

And when Friday came around I didn’t rush a damn thing, and I didn’t even stay late to make up the extra hour I took midday to go to the dentist. They only get one bonkers stupid day a week!

Hopefully next week will be chill all 5 days, LOL.

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