Happy Saturday!

Off to a good start with getting booted out of work early for the holiday weekend, albeit with a whopping 2 hours notice. (Someone forgot to tell the new CEO it is SOP to announce this on Wednesday, especially when timesheets are due early…) But, better late than not at all.

Got my happy time in at the farmers market this morning and they had fresh shelled peas – I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in my life before – fresh unshelled yes, but not shelled. Got some and had to look up how to store them and gotta figure out how to prepare them – I’ve had a lifetime of frozen peas only. I’m thinking butter and garlic are going to come into play for sure.

The LilyMonster is still doing well on kitty hospice – had a bit of a rough day yesterday and I realized we probably needed to have more of the heavy duty meds on hand – she’s been doing great with the gabapentin, but it’s kinda dependent on her wanting to eat a special snack, which she was not in the mood for last night. We still had a couple doses of Buprinex left from her biopsy and it did the trick – it’s great cause it’s a small dose and she doesn’t have to swallow it, just get it in her mouth. Transmucosal meds FTW and we’ve got a call in for a refill.

I gave her a dose this morning and thought maybe it had lost its potency since she just wanted to be in her hidey hole afterwards, but I lured her out a bit later with some brushing and oh yeah, it has kicked in and she has had two packet snacks and is high as a kite. (She also ate overnight and apparently went down to the basement to see my brother at 1AM and he said she was feeling gooooood.)

Overall the most important thing is that she is comfortable and I think we’re succeeding in that.

Enjoy your weekend and hug your pets.

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