Rambly Sunday…

Right now I should be doing a reset around the house, but my brain is very “Nah” about it, which is basically any and every Sunday, LOL.

I realized that I am now actually going to be going to the beach next month – I’d just set it solidly in my mind that I’d be here looking after Lily – and I am not even slightly physically or mentally prepared for it. Like, I don’t know where anything is that I’d need to take, what laundry needs to bed done, no idea what I still need to buy, etc, etc.

Granted, the beach is a place you can just show up with your wallet and whatever you need, they have – but that gets a little pricey if you *only* show up with your wallet.

I still catch myself looking around for Lily every now and again. There has of course been the second-guessing myself this week, but I also know if there had been any better option, the vet would have given it to us. When there is a new cat (or cats) around, I suspect I’ll still occasionally be looking for the wrong one, or be surprised when I see a not-Lily come around a corner.

In ways to procrastinate & distract myself, I have finally gotten around to watching Resident Alien on Netflix. It’s very silly, with a few serious themes here and there, but on the whole, pretty light. There was of course literally just now, a very sweet and sad scene involving a death and gosh, don’t know why my face is all wet. But really, Alan Tudyk playing an alien pretending to be a human – he’s perfect.

Oh the “getting older is bullshit” front, last week I managed to tweak my upper arm BY AWKWARDLY REACHING FOR THE ALARM CLOCK. I shit you not. The simple solution is to rest the arm. Unfortunately, it is my dominant arm and no matter how hard I try to be conscious of letting it rest, I forget and keep re-tweaking it. So, I have ordered a shoulder brace – should help keep it a little more immobile and remind me that “Hey dumbass, you’re resting this arm, remember?”

Full reset probably isn’t gonna happen today, but I have made cold brew for the week, switched out all the air filters, and I am going to at least get some laundry done – so it’s better than nothing.

You enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

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2 Responses to Rambly Sunday…

  1. My heartfelt condolences for Lily. My cats have gotten a lot out of me over the years and dealing with the end never gets easier.

    I think this is my first comment so I’ll be brief: I have 2 cats and am also in IT/software development/support. I like to write but don’t write/blog enough. I’m not sure where I found your blog but it must have been through the wordpress/blog surfing that I’ve done over the years.

    I mostly see your blog through email and go through them in batches. My blog is https://mattqmcgovern.wordpress.com if you want to take a look. It wouldn’t be a lot to read because I don’t post nearly enough.


    • A Dreamer says:

      Thanks – she was the 6th cat I’ve had over the years and you’re right, it never gets easier. But I am so lucky that near 15 years ago that kitten ran up my arm at the animal shelter and smacked me in the head.

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