Safe travels, LilyMonster

We had to say goodbye to my sweet Lily last night.

She’d been a bit off yesterday and I suspected a UTI – we took her to the vet and they took x-rays and she had multiple masses in her lungs. That would have progressed very rapidly and been very painful for her, so we decided it was time.

She was the fucking best, most awesome, goofiest, and most talkative cat I have ever had. She was the best pandemic buddy – once she got past the first few Friday nights where we didn’t leave the house, LOL. At the start, she was rather, “Why are you here? I have things to do!” I still wonder if she was hosting a floating craps game when we were out.

I think we did right by her with the three months of kitty hospice – spoiling a cat rotten who is already spoiled rotten is the best challenge you can have.

I don’t know what is on the other side, but I know she had a hella welcoming committee – Carmen, Patches, Ashley, Snoopy, Target, Murphy, Grey Kitty, Cringer, Pepper, Miss Kitty, Doc, Sandy, Snoodle, Moxley, Dad’s boxer, and multiple Whiskers to show her around and introduce her to everyone.

I am heartbroken and I will miss her terribly – the house is too quiet today.

Lily, a black and orange tortie cat, laying curled up in a basket of towels

I’ll be donating her prescription food to the shelter, but keeping everything else – she was the best cat ever (as they somehow all are – it’s amazing how that works) but I cannot fathom being without a furry friend for very long.

When Target passed away in 2008, it was over a year before I could bring myself to go to the shelter – it somehow felt like a betrayal and I kept hoping Moxley would just find kittens when we were out walking so I didn’t have to make the decision, it would just happen. (Kind of a big fail on the cat distribution system there.)

This time, it feels like I owe it to her to make sure there are other kitties who get as spoiled rotten and loved to pieces as she was.

Love you to the moon and back LilyMonster.

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3 Responses to Safe travels, LilyMonster

  1. mbsnyderece16802b2 says:

    I know how much this hurts. She was a wonderful best friend to you.

    Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

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